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Kookaburra Totem Tool
  • Kookaburra Totem Tool

    Point-Blue Kyanite

    Within-Mookaite & Amethyst

    Beading-Tigers Eye, Carnelian & Garnet

    kookaburra’s morning chorus was the signal for the sky people to light the great fire that illuminates and warms the earth each day. We can’t help but feel a sense of amusement ourselves when we hear a chorus of Kookaburras at sunrise and sunset.

    There is a saying ‘laughter is the best medicine’ and often we can feel how much this sings true. Whenever we experience hardships or serious circumstances, we intuitively feel called to find the light side to things to allow us to enter back into a more balanced state. Laughter can bring us back into harmony with ourselves, and place importance on seeing joy and seeking community to get us through. If we are feeling particularly heavy or lonely, we can listen for the Kookaburras medicine of humour to guide us through.

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