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Pheasant Rebirth Healing Tool
  • Pheasant Rebirth Healing Tool

    Pheasant Rebirth Healing Tool

    Hand carved wooden handle

    Citrine Generator Point

    Copper Sleeve-within the copper is Clear Quartz, Lapis, Mookaite, Peridot, Emerald & Selenite

    Beading-Carnelian, Tigers Eye, Citrine & Bumblebee Jasper

    Let me rebirth, time and time again. Shedding those layers so I come more me. In balance with my path, holding my feminine and masculine in unity to co-create my vision. Let me embrace the fertile within, the abundance that is within and shine. Plunge into my sexual being and see the Goddess I am. Courage grounded into my being. I stand in my power, fully as me🙏🏿

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